Grace, Not Perfection
for Young Readers

Believing You're Enough in a
World of Impossible Expectations


Remind her she is enough, just as she is.

As she grows up in a generation that is busier and more distracted than ever, your tween girl will love the fun vibe and practical ideas in Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers. Today's fast-paced, technology-driven society affects all ages, but it's taking its biggest toll on our kids. Does your middle grader feel compelled to participate in a ton of activities, be an excellent student, take a perfect photo for every occasion, and be friends with as many people as possible--only to end up exhausted and anxious? This book will help her adopt a new, life-giving perspective.


Sweet girl,

You are enough,
just as you are.

Built on the premise of the original Grace, Not Perfection book, this young readers edition is encouraging, empowering, and engaging for tween (and teen) girls. She will love the interactive elements (journaling pages, questions to consider) and the conversational tone.

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My teen loves that it speaks to real life things she is dealing with. It has helped her a lot with anxiety.


If you have a girl in sixth grade or above, this book is a definite must! My daughter and I love it!


I love working through this book with my daughter. It's helped her worries and perfectionism a lot.

This book helps girls

+ Create significant moments rather than orchestrating a picture-perfect life.

+ Pare down activities to what matters most-without FOMO.

+ Simplify life by simplifying three major areas: her space, her time, and her mind.

join me.


Do you love audiobooks?

I love a good audiobook. If you do too, check out the audio version of Grace, Not Perfection for Young Readers (narrated by me!)


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